Rocket Fired @ Jerusalem

Didn’t expect to be posting again so soon.

Jerusalem was again the target of Hamas rockets as the ‘Tzeva Adom’ sounded again and sent Jerusalem’s residents to the bomb shelters. They landed in a Palestinian village in the West Bank. No injuries reported. Article from JPost.

For an idea of Hamas’ range: JPost infographic.

Egypt says Israel’s offensive will end today. [Politico]

NYT Op-Ed on Hamas’ Illegitimacy. Very well said. [NYT]

In more uplifting news, I was asked to be on the BBC radio program ‘World Have Your Say’ to be the voice of Hebrew Union College.  Unfortunately, I leave for a trip down south tomorrow and will not to be able to participate. Kind of cool nonetheless. 

Will keep you all updated. Remember to check out my earlier post here. Lots to read.

In the shelter @ HUC. (It’s half gym/half 70s lounge/rarely shelter/WiFi-less)



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