Murdering the Two State Solution

Lets get two things straight. I don’t like Bibi and I don’t like Abbas. Both men’s political immaturity, bottomless deceit & predictable cowardice have led us to this complete and utter deadlock. Their actions continue to further polarize Palestinians & Israelis and seldom benefit either population.  With nearly every action, the men are inching closer and closer to their first genuine collaboration: the murder of the two state solution.

To understand the extent of Bibi & Abbas’ terrible leadership, you need not look farther than the past few days - a microcosm of their epic ineptitude.

Abbas, who refuses to negotiate with Israel until settlement construction is completely frozen, decided to unilaterally seek status as a ‘nonmember observer state’ at the United Nations - General Assembly.  In a move out of a second-grader’s playbook, Bibi retaliated. He approved 3000 homes in East Jerusalem & the West Bank, a big middle finger to the peace process.  Moreover, his finance minister announced that it would withhold over one million dollars (450 million NIS) in tax revenues that were to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority to offset debts the PA owes the Israeli Electric Corporation.

What the vote means [copied from Tablet]:

“Actual value: While previously an “entity” in the eyes of the United Nations, Palestine’s upgrade to observer state means that they are in the same boat that Switzerland was in before it became a full member with voting rights a decade ago. The Palestinian delegation will not have voting rights in the United Nations, but with enhanced status, the Palestinian representatives may pursue membership in United Nations bodies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as well as the International Criminal Court (one aspect of the upgrade that has been stressing for Israel).

Symbolic value: The vote is an implicit recognition of Palestinian sovereignty. But implicit recognitions aren’t worth the paper they are implied on. Last year’s bid for actual statehood (which was blocked in the Security Council) would have granted Palestine universal recognition and full statehood in the eyes of the UN. This wasn’t the case.”

My uncle asked me why building in the West Bank was so problematic. The answer is twofold.

1. Politically, it is pouring gasoline on the fire that has nearly consumed the Oslo Accords and relegated them to distant memory.  While Israel will most likely keep the territories it irreverently builds up via land swaps in any two state solution, continuing to do so offends its negotiating partners and has brought us to our current stalemate.  

2. The reality on the ground is Israel’s construction has purposefully & strategically diced up the West Bank [map] so that it makes a two state solution nearly impossible.  Here’s a break down on the current situation on the West Bank & clarification of the map:

  • Area A = Palestinian Civil Services & Palestinian Security Forces; 
  • Area B = Palestinian Civil Services & Israeli Security Forces;
  • Area C = Israeli Civil Services & Israeli Security Forces\
  • Area A + Area B = 40% of land, 95% of Palestinian Population
  • Area C = 60% of land including 18% used for military bases and 10% of nature reserves
  • 2.5 million Palestinians live in the West Bank
  • 500,000 Jews live in West Bank
All rational minds know that this status quo cannot be maintained. Israel cannot maintain the occupation of the West Bank and retain its Jewish Democratic character: It is impossible.  Unfortunately, neither group has a leader with the chutzpah to make lasting peace - as the last week has again proven.
I fundamentally disagree with Abbas’ refusal to negotiate, his eagerness to define Israel’s self defense from Hamas rockets as ‘aggression’ in his UN Speech and his political charade at the UN.  But I also fundamentally disagree with Bibi’s decision to retaliate. We must urge our leaders - Israeli, Palestinian & American - to get back to the negotiating table and figure out a lasting peace.  Continuing down this course of action and reaction only inches us closer and closer to the murder of the two state solution - the only thing Abbas & Netanyahu can seem to do in tandem.  
More reading:
  • Israel rejects Palestinian bid for statehood. [JPost]
  • Why Yesterday’s UN Vote Was Such a Setback [Tablet]
  • Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor’s Speech to the UN General Assembly [algemeiner]
  • Jihadist Turned Zionist Makes Case for Israel [algemeiner]



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